On June 19, 2010 This, Twitter has become the number 13 most accessed site in Japan, according to Alexa.com. Facebook is much higher than that just getting a place at number 26 in the country this Sakura. To note, in Indonesia, Facebook is the number one site.
Twitter's success is supported by the emergence of the Japanese language version, complete with aksaranya in the year 2008. October 2009, so a mobile version of Twitter in Japanese. Since then, all Japanese people seem so busy "chirp".
On television, showing the various "chirp" the Tweeps. Bars install a special screen memampangkan "chirp" on Twitter about the World Cup. Former Prime Minister also joined tweeting fun.
The proportion of Internet users who use Twitter sped to reach 16.3 percent, far beyond the United States of 9.8 percent. Social media, Twitter became Japan's second largest after mixi, a local social media like Facebook.
But Nielsen Online said last April, had exceeded mixi Twitter. A day, nearly eight million Tweeps appeared in Japan, or 12 percent of total twitter users worldwide per day.
Meanwhile, only three percent of Internet users use Facebook. Compare with 62 percent in America.
"The Japanese are enjoying the most varied forms and the richest of Twitter as a communication tool," said Daisuke Tsuda, a writer who has a 65 thousand follower on Twitter. "Twitter is like a reinvention Internet," he told the Associated Press.
Why is that?
The answer is the Japanese language itself. More Japanese are spoken in the character of the 140 characters that Twitter provided. The word "information" in Japanese language only requires two characters. Clearly, academics and politicians who can provide information at length through a Tweet.
Then, Twitter allows a person to remain anonymous. Anonymity is the general rule in Japan's popular sites.
Third, Twitter also proved an effective business tool. These companies use Twitter to reach consumers and get feedback; a wide range of powered applications and low cost.
In other words, said Rocky Eda, communications manager of Digital Garage, which underpins the operation Twitter in Japanese, Sakura Country residents feel "Twitter is very Japanese,"